
A Waking Nightmare

The snow slapped him in the face. The cold made him ache, but he knew he had to keep going. He was only a few blocks away from his old home. He wasn't very eager to see what had been of that place, but he felt the only way to put his past behind him was to face it. The neighborhood wasn't at all like he remembered. The snow wasn't the coldest thing around, for the hostile look of unfriendly strangers made his blood freeze in his veins. It was like they were kicking him out of his own home town with their eyes. The buildings were small like he remembered, but the grey and melancholic color of their walls he didn't recall. The landscape was monotonous and boring. He felt as if he were part of a black and white movie, as if every one was going to a funeral. His life had always felt like a constant funeral. He pushed these thoughts away, and tried to put his mind off the terrible tragedy that had taken place there as he went deeper into the town.

The weather got even colder, as the snow hit him harder and harder. It seemed to push him away, but he tried to push back as he kept going. He had wandered off the track that led to his old home. The snow grew stronger as he grew weaker. When he looked around he realized he was no longer surrounded by buildings. He had crossed town, and got to the beginning of the forest. There, all he could hear was his ticking watch, which seemed to be telling him his time would soon be up. All he could feel was time go by, slowly. Quite scared, he begun to head back to meet his family.

A deep and stabbing howl made him freeze. He looked around, to see where that awful noise had come from. He turned around several times, hunting with this creature with his eyes. Out of the blue, he felt a warm body in his back. Its fur had made him shiver. He turned around, but there was nothing there. Then, he heard the beast screaming once again. He saw what seemed to be blue lights. There was a blizzard, which made it hard for him to see what it was that he was facing. He stared, in the hope to see it clearly. The lights got now close enough for him to make out they were the eyes of a wolf, jumping across the white sky. Feeling his heart pounding in his chest, he ducked, and avoided this fierce mammal. He stood and ran as fast as he could, stumbling across the way with roots, until he tripped with one. He quickly turned around, panting from his run, but he saw nothing. He ventured to believe the animal was gone.

However, before he could complete this thought, the animal growled again, and he saw it running at him again. In the distance, he discerned a pile of snow, and hid behind it. He covered himself with it, which had hurt him before and was now providing him shelter. There was silence once again, as he didn't hear the wolf's steps. He came out, only to find it cleverly waiting for him to come out. It jumped once again, as if it were determined to kill him. Desperately, he reached out for a sharp twig he saw nearby, and stabbed the animal which was suspended in the air. It cried in pain, and fell on top of him. As he lay in the snow with the corpse on top of him, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He threw the creature which was now getting colder to the ground. He observed, for it didn't have any blood, and the wound that he had inflicted upon him was now gone. It looked as if it had frozen to death, just like he almost died when he first saw the scary beast. The man's clothes were clean too, and his hands looked as if they had been washed.

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