
Hide and Seek

The little girl looked around the house where she had been born as she listened to the naive and somewhat sinister music that played from the music box her mother had given her. The house did not recongnize her. The place which had once upon a time been the setting of so many childhood memories was now the scene of such horrid events. No matter how much she cleaned up the walls, they were still stained with her cat's blood, that loveable kitty which had purred in her lap so many times, and they always would be. Charlie had killed it, along with all the joy that had once lived there. Although her father didn't believe her, she was sure of this. Her father was convinced that Charlie was just another of her imaginary friends, but he was way off. Charlie was now so powerful and had taken over her father's body so effectivly, that he was out of control. The night had taken over the house and over her mind, which was sleepless and relentlessly recreated the awful murder.

Suddenly, she heard a thud coming from her dad's office, the melody of the music box playing in the background. She walked slowly towards it. Every step she took was accompanied by the creek of the loose floorboards. The more she approached the study's door, the faster her heart pounded in her chest. Her long, dark hair covered her bulging, sinister eyes. Her shaking hand pushed the office's door, which opened with a screech. She distinguished her father's figure in the dark study. “Daddy?” she called for him innocently. He turned around slowly and disturbingly, in a way that made her shudder. The eyes that looked at her young and naive face didn't match this descrpition at all. They were deeply threatening; she could tell, even through the bottle glasses, that they weren't her father's eyes. She looked at his reflection in the mirror, which also illustrated the dead tree outsied, as he evily replied: “Your daddy's gone now”.

He was right. That was no longer her dad. It was Charlie. She ran as fast as her skinny legs allowed her to, as he heavily pronunced each step behind her. She ran outside the house, and made her way through the forest, which now seem haunted and wicked. Her bare feet bleed as they cut themselves with the twigs along the way. He walked behind her, and as he drag the blood of his daughter with his expensive shoes, he became ever more thristy for her blood. The axe he carried in his right arm slowed him down. Even the ravens were scared of this terrifying character, and they flew away as he advanced through the woods, announcing his aproach in a hoarse voice. She ran swiftly and dodged the trees in her way, but her young body became more and more tired. Unaware of it, she started to reduce her speed, panting harder and harder every second. She turned around see if Charlie was still behind her, and realized that he wasn't as far as she had hoped. This second of distraction was enough to make her trip with one of the trees' roots. She turned out in the floor, only to find the horrible monster that had followed her right next to her. She tried to escape, and dragged herself through the floor. She was out of breath, and terrified to her very bone.

Having to protect herself from the figure which had raised her seemed diabolic. But then she realized that man was no such person. He was some one else, some one who was determined to murder her. He laughed in satisfaction, and looked like a fierce animal who had finally cuaught his prey. He closed his eyes and threw the axe down, as he evily said “Goodbye, baby girl”. The little girl screamed, and then the everything was quiet. He felt the blood in his face as it splashed from the dead body. He smiled. He opened his eyes again, only to find a dead bird with an axe in its body.

Back in his house, the music box still played.

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